The Secular Buddhist

Podcast Episode Featuring Miles Kessler

Last November I was interviewed by Ted Meissner for an episode of “The Secular Buddhist” podcast. This is the official podcast for the “Secular Buddhist Association”, which describes themselves as “a natural, pragmatic approach to early Buddhist teachings and practice”. Within their secular and pragmatic approach, I saw a lot of parallels with the trans-lineage approach I bring to the Integral Dojo.

Like us here at the Integral Dojo, the Secular Buddhist Association has similar perspectives about traditional spiritual approaches and how to transmit them in post-modern western culture. So I was very happy to have received Ted Meissner’s invitation to enter into a Dharma Discussion that crosses a few different lineages, exploring the interface of Aikido, meditation, and spiritual practice. 

Here are some of the topics we covered on the podcast:

  • My path from an early awakening experience, to sports, to aikido, to Dharma
  • Comparing formal aikido practice to formal vipassana practice
  • The value of hitting glass ceilings
  • Aikido as a contemplative practice
  • From zero-sum relationships to win/win
  • The Aikido Koan
  • How working in different cultures grows experience
  • Integral Practics and the Evolution Of Response
  • It all comes back to mindfulness

You can listen to the podcast online on the Secular Buddhist website  (it’s available for download), check it out on iTunes (episode 282), or just click below. Enjoy!


Episode 282 :: Miles Kessler :: Mindfulness, Aikido, and the Integral Dojo in Tel Aviv

Question: Any thoughts or questions come up after listening to this podcast? Leave them below and I’ll be sure to get to them!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.