A few days ago I was happy to join Malory Graham Sensei once again for another deep and meaningful online discussion. This time I joined her on the All Things Aikido podcast for an exploration about “Aikido and Meditation: Is Your Practice Balanced?”

Aikido And Meditation: Is Your Practice Balanced?
I joined Malory on the podcast to promote my upcoming free 3-part online training called “Meditation For Aikidoka.” This will be the 5th year and we’ve had about 4,000 people go through this training so far.
Listen to the podcast above and if our talk inspires you then please join our free 3-part online training on “Meditation For Aikidoka”. I only open this training once a year and just for 10-days. So now is your chance to deepen your meditation AND your Aikido practice!
Meditation For Aikidoka – FREE 3-Part Online Training
Available For A Limited Time | Nov. 13th – 26th, 2020
Click Here To Join!
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