The Progress Of Insight: The Inner Map Of Meditation | An Online Workshop w/ Miles Kessler
Sunday, March 23rd, 2025

Join meditation teacher Miles Kessler for this online workshop, Feb. 25th, 2024.

Date: March 23, 2025
Time: 06:00 - 09:00 pm
Event: Workshop: The Progress Of Insight: The Inner Map Of Meditation
Topic: Workshop: The Progress Of Insight: The Inner Map Of Meditation
Public: Public

Meditation, Reflection, & Intention For The New Year

Moving Into 2025

When transitioning from one year to the next, it’s good to assess what aspects of your life would you like to leave behind, what would you like to carry forward, and what would you like to awaken in the new year. Most importantly, where are you at this very moment, and how does this facilitate the transition?

On Dec. 20th, I facilitated an end-of-year community meditation with our community. In this session, I spoke about how transitions apply to the Tibetan Buddhist teaching of rebirth consciousness. In this teaching, it is said that what we carry forward into our next rebirth is the totality of our karma and the totality of our wisdom.

Based on this talk, we did a reflection practice on where we’ve been, a mindfulness exercise to ground in the present, and a guided meditation to set intentions for the coming year. You are invited to join this practice by watching the replay below.



A Buddha Bro blocked me on “X” over the Israel/Palestine conflict. I had assumed we’d be able to dialogue across the polarization. We’re both Buddhist meditation teachers sharing a common lineage, friends, and mentors. We’ve both built online platforms dedicated to raising consciousness and culture. I’m half Jewish and he’s a quarter Palestinian. And we both grew up in the American South learning how to code-switch in a cultural milieu potholed with antisemitism and islamophobia.