Is Bokken training a part of your Aikido practice? If yes, then do you feel that the Bokken is synchronized and integrated into your Bokken forms? Do you feel that your Bokken forms are synchronized and integrated into your empty-handed Aikido? In this latest video in my Aikido Bokken tutorial series, I go into the details of the Aikido Bokken striking dynamics important for creating integration in your Aikido. Check out my latest tutorial on Aikido Bokken Lifting & Striking.

Aikido Bokken Lifting & Striking
Here’s what you’ll learn in this video tutorial:
- The 3 primary joints in the lift and strike
- The proper sequencing of the lift and the strike
- The use of “kokyu” or internal breath power in the lift and strike
- The specific power dynamics of the lifting and striking power dynamic
Check out this Aikido Bokken tutorial below:
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FREE Download – Aikido Bokken Basics Checklist!
Download your “Aikido Bokken Basics” checklist today and learn the 4 primary areas of attention you should focus on, plus over 20 action points that you can use to keep you on the path of Aikido Bokken mastery. CLICK BELOW!
Download the above FREE checklist and get your reference for all the basic points you’ll need to set your Aikido Bokken practice on a solid foundation.
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