Is Aikido a martial art, or a spiritual path? From a martial perspective, if push came to shove, could you kill another to protect a greater good? On the other hand, from a spiritual perspective, in a moment of truth, could you sacrifice your own life for a greater good? Now the big question; how can you hold both of these perspectives in the same place at the same time? This KOAN is at the core of Aikido, and this is what we explored in this community call on Aikido: Martial Art Or Spiritual Path?

Aikido As A Living “Koan”
In this community call, I led members from our global Aikido Sangha in an exploration of “What does it mean to be martial?”, “What does it mean to be spiritual?”, what does it mean to hold these two opposites together as one, and what is the “Aikido Koan?” Join us in this inquiry and watch the replay below:
Question: What is Aikido for you? Is it possible to hold both perspectives of “martial art, and spiritual path” at the same time? If so, how? Join the conversation by leaving your questions and comment below.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.