If You Don’t Have Power, You Don’t Have Choice

Toby Threadgill Sensei - "Shu-Ha-Ri Dialogues"

In this 4th session of the “Shu-Ha-Ri Dialogues” series, I speak with my old friend Toby Threadgill Sensei. Toby is the Shihan (headmaster) of the Takamura ha Shindo Yoshin Ryu school of traditional martial arts. As the first non- Japanese to become the official headmaster of a Koryu jujutsu school, Toby is in a unique position to share his rich and in-depth understanding of  “Shu-Ha-Ri” the 3 stages of mastery in traditional Japanese martial arts.

"Shu-Ha-Ri Dialogues

Spitting Out The Bones

Ellis Amdur Sensei - The "Shu-Ha-Ri" Dialogues

On January 24th, 2021 I launched the first in our “Shu-Ha-Ri Dialogues” series with Ellis Amdur Sensei. Amdur Sensei is a Koryu lineage holder ( Araki Ryu, Toda-Ha Buko-Ryu), a psychotherapist, and a prolific author. We kicked off this dialogue series with a wide-ranging discussion of the 3 stages of “Shu-Ha-Ri” – namely “Shu” – the conformity stage, “Ha” – the application stage, & “Ri” – the transcendent stage.

Shu-Ha-Ri Dialogues

Aikido: Martial Art Or Spiritual Path?

Community Call w/ Miles Kessler

Is Aikido a martial art, or a spiritual path? From a martial perspective, if push came to shove, could you kill another to protect a greater good? On the other hand, from a spiritual perspective, in a moment of truth, could you sacrifice your own life for a greater good? Now the big question; how can you hold both of these perspectives in the same place at the same time? This KOAN is at the core of Aikido, and this is what we explored in this community call on Aikido: Martial Art Or Spiritual Path?

Integral Dojo Community Call w/ Miles Kessler Sensei

Aikido & The Spiritual Path

Iwama Dialogues w/ Miles Kessler & Bjorn Saw

Nothing makes life more meaningful than committing to something greater than yourself. Making such a commitment will lead you to discover your greater potential, and what is more meaningful than that?  These days my most immediate commitments are to family and career. But for decades now I have been engaged in 2 longterm practice commitments that brought profound meaning to my life. These are none other than Aikido & The Spiritual Path.

Miles Kessler & Bjorn Saw

“Resonate” – Ginny Whitelaw Roshi

Zen And The Way Of Making A Difference

On July 12th, 2020 the Integral Dojo held a Community Call with Ginny Whitelaw. Ginny is a Zen Roshi, Aikido Sensei, a former NASA Biophysicist, and an author. In this post, I’m publishing the replay of this community call where Ginny Roshi lead a mini-workshop on the title of her soon to be released book “Resonate – Zen And The Way Of Making A Difference .”

Ginny Whitelaw Roshi

Nevertheless, She Persisted

Interview With Janice Taitel Sensei

Aikido is not the “Way Of Harmony.” Harmony is the result of Aikido when done well – a “positive-sum” process that leads to the resolution of conflict and the restoration of wholeness. But the “way” of this “Aikido process” inevitably takes you squarely through conflict. This is reflected in the recent events and story of Janice Taitel Sensei who last year organized a petition for gender equity within the United States Aikido Federation. She followed her Aikido intuitions and ended up in the middle of a considerable amount of conflict… within her own Aikido organization! Nevertheless, she persisted.

Nevertheless, She Persisted

What Is An Aikido Response To Systemic Racism?

Judge Eric Moye, Malory Graham, Sam Taitel, & Miles Kessler

The recent killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin has unleashed a torrent of protests against systemic racism in cities across America, that have also echoed throughout the world. Regardless of where you stand on the issue of systemic racism, there is no denying that we are a society in conflict. To better understand the urgency of this issue, I invited several of my fellow Aikidoka to join me on a panel discussion & community call where we explored the question, “What is an Aikido response to systemic racism?”

Panel Discussion & Community Call

10 Blog Posts For Coping, Resourcing, and Recharging During A Crisis

Your Aikido Resource

Over the past 4 years, I have written close to 100 blog posts at the intersectionality of Aikido, meditation, and personal development. In one way, or another, all of my blog posts explore the same essential question: What does it mean to walk a higher path of practice? A question that is very relevant in these uncertain times. I went through my archives and picked out 10 posts that I think will support you through these uncertain times. With Love.