How Is The Feminine Principle Expressed In Your Aikido?

The terms “masculine” & “feminine” do not refer to gender, but rather to the Yin/Yang experience of being human. This is a fundamental duality that reflects two sides of the same spiritual coin. Regardless of gender, we all have access to both masculine and feminine within. We are all expressions of these types, just to different degrees. Awakening, embodying, and enacting the masculine & feminine principles in our life is a Path of practice. A Path that will lead to greater balance, integration, and Oneness.

Aikido And The Feminine Principle

10 Ways Centering In Aikido Helps You Grow

How to Embody Growth and Development in Self, with Others, and In the World

Centering is the core transformational practice of Aikido. It is the foundational principle in Aikido, upon which all other principles rest. Not only is centering a linchpin practice, but it is also the principle that when developed will have the biggest impact on your life. In this blog post I will lay out the “10 Ways Centering In Aikido Helps You Grow”.

Centering In Aikido

The Masculine & Feminine Principles In Aikido

3 Common Mistakes

From the deepest spiritual perspective, everything in the Universe is One. This perspective was certainly O Sensei’s “Lions Roar” declaration, with his awakening manifesting into the art we call Aikido. But as that Oneness divides, duality is created, and it manifests into infinite shapes and forms. The most fundamental duality is none other than Masculine and Feminine. They are universal principles.

Masculine And Feminine Principles

This is the Yin/Yang source code that appears throughout the manifest universe. Whether looking at physical or non-physical phenomena, exteriors or interiors, animate or inanimate objects, this universal source code exists in all phenomena. And just as it exists out there in all the Universe, so too does it exist inside each of us. Since this is so fundamental to our practice it can be very helpful to understand the masculine & feminine principles in Aikido.