On July 12th, 2020 the Integral Dojo held a Community Call with Ginny Whitelaw. Ginny is a Zen Roshi, Aikido Sensei, a former NASA Biophysicist, and an author. In this post, I’m publishing the replay of this community call where Ginny Roshi lead a mini-workshop on the title of her soon to be released book “Resonate – Zen And The Way Of Making A Difference .”

Resonate – Zen And The Way Of Making A Difference
Here is what you’ll learn in the workshop replay with Ginny Whitelaw:
- What is the connection between your body and how you make a difference in the world?
- To make a difference is to brig energy through you into things that matter
- How does energy “vibrate” thorough your body
- How do we bring energy to ourselves to create things that matter?
- Seeing self as a universal energy concentrator
- Working with energy; from coping to accepting, to co-creating
- Because we control the instrument of resonance, how we resonate is a choice
Enjoy to replay of “Resonate – Zen And The Way Of Making A Difference:
QUESTION: What does Resonate mean for you? Please join the conversation and leave your comment below!
“What a beautiful book: a simple but radical interpretation of goodness and being change, as well as a practical way to embark on this journey.”
~ Richard Strozzi-HecklerTo Get Ginny Whitelaw’s New Book “Resonate – Zen And The Way Of Making A Difference” CLICK HERE!
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