When you use your bokken do you know if you are cutting or if you are striking? There are good examples of both styles in Aikido. However, in my 20 + years of teaching Aiki-Ken, it is clear that there is also a lot of confusion about this. In this Bokken Tutorial Video, I clear up this confusion by demonstrating the exact technical differences of each method. So if you want to know what your style is then check out cutting vs. striking with the bokken.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this video tutorial:
- Is your Aikido bokken style a cutting art or, a striking art
- Is you bokken style a substitute for a sword or, a weapon in and of itself
- The technical details of cutting with a bokken
- The technical details of striking with a bokken
Here is your tutorial:
Is your Aikido bokken style a cutting art, or striking art, and how does it apply to your empty hand Aikido? Leave your comments and questions below!
FREE Download – Aikido Bokken Basics Checklist!
Download your “Aikido Bokken Basics” checklist today and learn the 4 primary areas of attention you should focus on, plus over 20 action points that you can use to keep you on the path of Aikido Bokken mastery. CLICK BELOW!
Get this checklist and cover all the basic points you’ll need to set your Aikido Bokken practice on a solid foundation.
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