What if you could learn from your pick of ONE THOUSAND of the world’s top teachers, therapists, coaches, and thought leaders? Would you seize the opportunity? Well, this month is your chance! You can learn directly from some of the most inspiring men and women form the world of embodiment… and it is totally free. This is your chance to get a front-row ticket for The Embodiment Conference.

Yesterday I had a short chat with my old friend Mark Walsh, the creator of The Embodiment Conference. Mark and his amazing international team are hard at work in production for this global online event that was only 9 days away from when we did this interview.
Some of the amazing line up of presenters include Ken Wilber, Sharon Salzberg, Jack Kornfield, Nkem Ndefo, Gabor Mate, Bayo Akomolafe, Sally Kimpton, Charles Eisenstein, Tara Bach, Joseph Goldstein, Wendy Palmer, Dr. Dominique Cassidy, Richard Strozzi-Heckler, Janice Taitel, Teja Fudomyo Bell, Annette Rollig, Sam Taitel, Jan Nevelius, Malory Graham, Irene Lyon, Stephen Porges, Bonnie Bainbridge-Cohen, and so many more.
Check out my interview with Mark below and hear more about The Embodiment Conference. You won’t want to miss this amazing upcoming event!
The Embodiment Conference – 14th – 25th, 2020 – FREE Global Online Event!
1000 presenters, 10 topics, all totally FREE! This is a unique chance to learn from me and many of the best-known teachers from the world fo embodiment. Deepen your professional expertise, reboot your own practice, and connect with people across the globe.
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