Peak Experiences In Meditation – The Good News & The Bad News

The 10 Imperfections of Insight

What exactly are “peak experiences” in mindfulness meditation? In the course of your meditation path, you will gain extraordinary experiences that typically arise after a lot of hard work in the practice. For some, these peak experiences are relatively mild, but for most, they are quite strong and can even be mind-blowing. But as extraordinary and developmentally important as these experiences are, there’s good news and there’s bad news when it comes to peak experiences in meditation.

The 3 Transformational Keys To Insight Meditation

Anicca, Dukkha, & Anatta - Encore Post

Vipassana meditation is usually translated as “Insight Meditation” because the practice quite naturally triggers off a process of purification that develops progressively through stages of insight knowledge. With each stage, a meditator incrementally gains insight into the Dhamma or the ultimate reality. Thus “Insight Meditation”.