Spiritual traditions have always taken as their goal the liberating experience of awakening to absolute reality. This experience may be called emptiness, oneness, non-self, non-dual, unity consciousness, unconditional love, or God. Whatever the name may be, the experience is always one of wholeness and perfection. Nothing needs to be added, and nothing can be taken away. Because when you glimpse through a window into the absolute… everything is always, already, present.

In this blog post, I’m sharing with you an excerpt from my current “Aikido & Non-Duality” course that I’m teaching together with Patrick Cassidy and Dr. Dominique Cassidy. This excerpt, or “Dharma Bite” is from a session I taught on “A Window Into The Absolute.”
The Significance Of Having A Glimpse Into The Absolute
Having a glimpse, or a “window into the absolute” is an experience that most people have had. In fact, many people have developed the capacity to have this experience regularly. But it is also true, that many people have direct experiences of the absolute, but don’t fully realize the significance of it. One moment profoundly resting in all that is, and then the next moment back in the stream of thoughts, concerns, and the hustle and bustle of life. The experience of the absolute all but gone and forgotten.
Every tradition talks about not recognizing these experiences. That at the beginning it is common to have these experiences, but not understand the significance. And yet, it is very important to understand that significance, even if it is just a momentary glimpse into the absolute. You need to recognize the importance of these glimpses. You need to give that recognition some space in your life. Because when you recognize something, that very thing will grow.
Recognition, Rumi, and Shams of Tabriz
The Sufi teacher Rumi was a beautiful teacher of Love and non-duality. He had his awakening upon meeting his teacher Shams of Tabriz. Rumi received transmission of his full awakening from Shams in a relatively short period of time.
Upon their departure, Rumi spent the rest of his life writing some of the most profound, mystical poetry of all spiritual traditions. These poems were written from his awakened state, they were nothing less than a recognition of this state. Many of these poems were declarations of his love for Shams, a declaration of his love for the absolute.
For Rumi, Shams was a manifestation of non-duality, the absolute, and of universal love. whenever Rumi would enter into this state, he was communing with the absolute. For him, he was meeting Shams and his way of offering recognition of that union was to write poems.
I invite you to play the video below and join me in a recognition of Rumi’s beautiful poetry. Join me in a glimpse of “a window into the absolute.”
Question: What are your “windows into the absolute”? Join the conversation by leaving your comments below!
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