The Inner Path of meditation is thoroughly known. Its development is predictable, which means that it is teachable. And since it’s teachable, it’s learnable.

A Buddha Bro blocked me on “X” over the Israel/Palestine conflict. I had assumed we’d be able to dialogue across the polarization. We’re both Buddhist meditation teachers sharing a common lineage, friends, and mentors. We’ve both built online platforms dedicated to raising consciousness and culture. I’m half Jewish and he’s a quarter Palestinian. And we both grew up in the American South learning how to code-switch in a cultural milieu potholed with antisemitism and islamophobia.
Date: | September 28, 2024—September 29, 2024 |
Event: | Integral Aikido Seminar Miles Kessler Sensei (6th Dan) Dortmund, Germany – Oct. 22 – 23, 2022 |
Topic: | The Evolution Of Response |
Sponsor: | Integral Aikido Dortmund |
Location: | Dortmund Germany |
Public: | Public |
This is a guest post from Italian Aikidoka Andrea Merli of Aikido Novum Experience – where he recounts of his experiences at my recent Integral Aikido seminar in Boves, Italy. | Last weekend we participated in a weekend intensive seminar led by Miles Kessler Sensei. Perfectly organized by Aiki no Kokoro of Boves, Italy. This is one of the events we most look forward to every year regarding our personal and technical development. (cont.)
In the past 48 hours, I’ve had a heated “cancel culture” experience in a Facebook post I made. In the 130+ comments that ensued, here’s a taste of what my liberal brothers and sisters have been calling me:
I have been called; reactive, dismissive, pedantic, patronizing, tone deaf, too “wise” to learn, a fragile white man, an old white man, a middle-aged white man, a white man, an economically privileged white man, a privileged man, a man, a claimer of victimhood, a reverse victim, an oppressor, an abuser, a name-caller, an intentional misspeller of names, an intentional fomenter of controversy, a user of teachers as pawns, a misuser of grammar, a recruiter of warriors against diversity, a jailer of queers, a jailer of kids, a MAGA-ist, Ron DeSantis, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, a DARVO enactor, a denier, and an attacker (…to be fair, I’m at least a few of these).
Unity & Diversity In Aikido
Exploring Universal Principles Through The Diversity Of Forms
Community Call w/ Patrick Cassidy, Bruno Gonzales, & Miles Kessler
FREE Event, Sunday, Feb. 11th, 2024
Click Below To Register!
Date: | February 11, 2023 |
Time: | 21:00-22:00 |
Event: | UNITY & DIVERSITY IN AIKIDO - Community Call |
Topic: | UNITY & DIVERSITY IN AIKIDO - Community Call |
Public: | Public |
Thank you all for being part of our practice community this past year of 2023. To express my gratitude for this community I just made a 5- min. New Year video greeting offering a special practice for us all in the coming year of 2024. Thank you all for walking this path together and I look forward to going deeper in practice together in the coming year. Much love! Miles