Category Archives: Embodiment
Diane Musho Hamilton & Miles Kessler
Real LIFE Facilitator Intensive | Diane Musho Hamilton & Miles Kessler – Oct. 12 – 15, 2022
Join Diane Musho Hamilton for a three-day intensive designed for facilitators, coaches, and leaders. The workshop will focus on deepening receptive and active skills for more effective and impactful facilitation.
- SKILL DEVELOPMENT Focus on deepening receptive skills such as listening and questioning, and strengthening active, dynamic, and clear-headed leadership.
- SELF AWARENESS PRACTICE: Using awareness, emotional intelligence, and presence as a barometer for working with groups.
- ATTENTION TO ENERGY: Sensing the energetic qualities in the room such as coherence, differentiation, or vitality, in order to better serve the whole.
- INTEGRAL THEORY: The ability to seek, take, and integrate different perspectives.
Date: | October 12, 2022—October 15, 2022 |
Event: | Real LIFE Facilitator Intensive |
Topic: | Active and Receptive Skills for Facilitators |
Sponsor: | Diane Musho Hamilton |
Venue: | Togel Art Center |
Location: | Stockholm Sweden |
LOVE Embraces All Polarities
The Heart Of The Spiritual Warrior
The Embodiment Conference
Interview With Mark Walsh
What if you could learn from your pick of ONE THOUSAND of the world’s top teachers, therapists, coaches, and thought leaders? Would you seize the opportunity? Well, this month is your chance! You can learn directly from some of the most inspiring men and women form the world of embodiment… and it is totally free. This is your chance to get a front-row ticket for The Embodiment Conference.

Return Of The Plague Dialogues
Mark Walsh, Philip Shepherd, Rafe Kelley, and Miles Kessler
On May 22nd, 2020 Mark Walsh invited me back to the Embodiment Podcast to join a panel discussion in a series he is appropriately calling “Return Of The Plague Dialogues.” I joined Mark on the panel with Philip Shepherd, author and embodiment teacher, and Rafe Kelley, of “Evolve, Move, Play.” Listen below to our free-flowing discussion of how we coped with the pandemic lockdown, how our embodiment practices supported us, and how we assess things going forward.
Inner Resilience During A Pandemic
Miles Kessler On The Embodiment Podcast
It is no understatement to say that we have all been tested during this current Coronavirus and COVID-19 crisis. It is in times like this that you get to see both the depth and limitation, of your own inner resilience. Recently, I was invited to once again join my old friend Mark Walsh on The Embodiment Podcast to explore the question: what does it mean to have inner resilience during a pandemic?

Embodiment – Moving Beyond Mindfulness
Dharma Discussion w/ Mark Walsh
If you are a reader of my blog then there is a good chance that you are into “embodiment” in one way or another. If you look out into the embodiment world you will very quickly run into the prolific work of Mark Walsh. This is why when he asked me to endorse his new book I wrote “No other person has had a bigger impact reclaiming “embodiment” for the mainstream as Mark Walsh.” Mark’s new book has just been launched so it felt timely to invite him to join me in another Dharma Discussion and a fun and free-flowing exploration of Embodiment – Moving Beyond Mindfulness.

Zen & The Heart Of Creativity
Community Call w/ Brooke McNamara
Life is fundamentally creative. Yet, creativity does not happen in a vacuum. Be it the birth of a baby, the birth of a work of art, or the birth of a star, there must be a creative tension for this process to be activated. And of course, YOU have to get out of the way. This is the topic of discussion I had with Brooke McNamara in our Community Call on Zen & The Heart Of Creativity.

Diane Musho Hamilton & Miles Kessler [Encore Post]
What does it mean to “embody conflict resolution”? In the below “Darma Bite” I continue the series of Dharma Discussions with Integral Facilitator & Zen Sensei Diane Musho Hamilton. In this excerpt from our discussion, we talk about conflict resolution in the field of mediation as compared to Aikido, and how they are in essence the same thing. I’m sure you’ll enjoy this short excerpt on “Embodying Conflict Resolution”.