It is no understatement to say that we have all been tested during this current Coronavirus and COVID-19 crisis. It is in times like this that you get to see both the depth and limitation, of your own inner resilience. Recently, I was invited to once again join my old friend Mark Walsh on The Embodiment Podcast to explore the question: what does it mean to have inner resilience during a pandemic?

Inner Resiliency
Inner resiliency is a capacity that we can develop over time through personal development, spiritual practices, and through life experiences. But what fundamentally determines the development of your resiliency is the attitude you hold in the face of life’s trials and tribulations.
In this podcast dialogue, Mark and I discuss our best practices for facing the pandemic lockdown and the all-important attitude to hold when these very practices take us to the edge of our comfort zones.
In the last 20 min, Mark invited me to lead my favorite integral transformation practice, the Big Mind process. In this process, Mark and I dive into the process, as well as invite the listeners to join.
Here are some of the topics we explore in this episode:
- What is Spiritual Resiliency?
- Best practices for coping with isolation.
- Connect with others online and “digital intimacy.”
- The 4 Noble Truths and the 4 practice attitudes
- How to establish a daily meditation practice
- Big Mind and Pandemic Practice
You can find the podcast episode on iTunes or your favorite podcast catcher. You can also listen to it on The Embodiment Podcast’s webpage HERE. Or listen to the youtube replay below.
Enjoy and leave your questions and comments below!
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.