Integrating The Non-Dual Perspective

Dharma Bite w/ Patrick Cassidy

Is awakening a sudden experience, or is it a gradual process. Do you wake up with a radical explosion into seeing the non-dual nature of reality? Or do you come to “unity consciousness” through a series of smaller steps of insight until gradually you are living a life of non-duality? In this Dharma Bite meditation teacher Patrick Cassidy speaks about “Integrating The Non-Dual Perspective.”

Dharma Bite w/ Patrick Cassidy

The Process Of Realization

Awakening can happen either as a sudden experience that transforms a person forever and always. Or it can be a series of gradual, smaller insights that dawn in your consciousness over time.

But regardless of awakening being a sudden or gradual experience, there is still the process of realizing what that experience actually means. There is still a coming to terms of the ramifications that a profound awakening has on your life.

Patrick Cassidy On The Non-Dual Perspective;

“In the experience of the non-dual awakening, you have an unconditional relationship to all things. You are opened up to a discovery of who you are at the absolute nature of your being. You understand that there is no self to be healed and there is no ‘self-development.’ This is because there is no “self” to be healed or to develop.

“The experience of freedom that comes from that can be overwhelming, intoxicating, and incredibly liberating. That realization will change the structure of your identity. It challenges the way you think about yourself, and the way you think about the other. That’s when your egoic structure starts to shift and the way you hold your identity can start to be felt.”

Check out the video below and join Patrick is this teaching on the “Integrating The Non-Dual Perspective.”

Question: How do you integrate your experiences of awakening? Join the conversation by leaving your comments below!



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