Aikido And The Culture Wars

Exhibit "A": The USAF & The Gender Equity Petition

What are your Aikido values? Do you believe that loyalty to your Sensei is of the utmost importance? Or do you revere freedom of speech such that if push comes to shove, you’ll dare to speak truth to power? Or are you about deconstructing “dominating hierarchies” and fighting the good fight to ensure everyone has an equal seat at the table? Where you stand on these thorny issues depends on if your worldview is more traditional, modern, or post-modern. These often competing worldviews make up a conflict of values that impacts every aspect of our society and culture. This conflict is especially playing out in the Aikido world… inside every person, inside every dojo, and inside every Aikido organization. Welcome to Aikido and the Culture Wars. 

Learning From The Tengu

Mastery And The Esoteric Path

Part of any commitment to a higher “Path” of practice (martial arts, meditation, yoga, etc.) is the need to put in the time to develop skills in your given field. But whereas developing skill is indispensable on any Path, gaining Mastery is an entirely different matter. The development of skill is in the realm of the possible. Mastery, on the other hand, is in the realm of the mystical. To gain mastery you must commit to the inner Path of learning from the Tengu.

Mastery And The Esoteric Path

Zen & The Heart Of Creativity

Community Call w/ Brooke McNamara

Life is fundamentally creative. Yet, creativity does not happen in a vacuum. Be it the birth of a baby, the birth of a work of art, or the birth of a star, there must be a creative tension for this process to be activated. And of course, YOU have to get out of the way. This is the topic of discussion I had with Brooke McNamara in our Community Call on Zen & The Heart Of Creativity.

Integrating The Non-Dual Perspective

Dharma Bite w/ Patrick Cassidy

Is awakening a sudden experience, or is it a gradual process. Do you wake up with a radical explosion into seeing the non-dual nature of reality? Or do you come to “unity consciousness” through a series of smaller steps of insight until gradually you are living a life of non-duality? In this Dharma Bite meditation teacher Patrick Cassidy speaks about “Integrating The Non-Dual Perspective.”

Dharma Bite w/ Patrick Cassidy

The Wisdom Of Oscillations

A Dharma Bite w/ Dr. Dominique Cassidy

What does it mean to be “Awake”? There is a common assumption that once a person “awakens” they are somehow, forever and always in an elevated state of spiritual perfection. However, the fact is that awakening is an evolving process. One where you will move through stages that oscillate between wakefulness and forgetfulness. Between egoic identification, and the end of all identity. In this Dharma Bite, psychiatrist and meditation teacher Dr. Dominique Cassidy explains this process as “The Wisdom Of Oscillations.”

Dominique Cassidy - Aikido & Non-Duality

CANCELED! – Integral Aikido Day Seminar w/ Miles Kessler

Ten-Chi-Jin w/ MIles Kessler


Date: June 28, 2020
Time: 10:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Event: CANCELED! - Integral Aikido Day Seminar w/ Miles Kessler (6th dan Aikikai)
Topic: "Ten Chi Jin" - Aikido As The "Haven Earth Human"
Sponsor: Tenchikan
Urs Jose Zuber at - +41 79 789 21 13 | email: [email protected]
Location: Solothun, Switzerland
Public: Public

A Window Into The Absolute

Dharma Bite w/ Miles Kessler

Spiritual traditions have always taken as their goal the liberating experience of awakening to absolute reality. This experience may be called emptiness, oneness, non-self, non-dual, unity consciousness, unconditional love, or God. Whatever the name may be, the experience is always one of wholeness and perfection. Nothing needs to be added, and nothing can be taken away. Because when you glimpse through a window into the absolute… everything is always, already, present.

A Dharma Bite w/ Miles Kessler

CANCELED! – Sursee, Switzerland – Integral Aikido Seminar, w/ Miles Kessler (6th dan, Aikikai)

Aikido Sursee

Date: June 26, 2020—June 27, 2020
Event: CANCELED! - Sursee, Switzerland – Integral Aikido Seminar, w/ Miles Kessler (6th dan, Aikikai)
Sponsor: Aikido Sursee
Venue: Aikido Sursee
Location: Sursee, Switzerland
Public: Public
Registration: Click here to register.