A Window Into The Absolute

Dharma Bite w/ Miles Kessler

Spiritual traditions have always taken as their goal the liberating experience of awakening to absolute reality. This experience may be called emptiness, oneness, non-self, non-dual, unity consciousness, unconditional love, or God. Whatever the name may be, the experience is always one of wholeness and perfection. Nothing needs to be added, and nothing can be taken away. Because when you glimpse through a window into the absolute… everything is always, already, present.

A Dharma Bite w/ Miles Kessler

CANCELED! – Sursee, Switzerland – Integral Aikido Seminar, w/ Miles Kessler (6th dan, Aikikai)

Aikido Sursee

Date: June 26, 2020—June 27, 2020
Event: CANCELED! - Sursee, Switzerland – Integral Aikido Seminar, w/ Miles Kessler (6th dan, Aikikai)
Sponsor: Aikido Sursee
Venue: Aikido Sursee
Location: Sursee, Switzerland
Public: Public
Registration: Click here to register.

Mindfulness Cultivates Equanimity

Meditation Monday with Sayadaw Vivekananda

What does it mean to have a “balanced mind”, and how can mindfulness meditation help to cultivate it? Mindfulness-based meditation practice has very positive effects on the mind that are experienced as temporary states. A long term committed practice will transform these temporary, positive states into permanent traits… into new a way of being. Buddhism lists these beneficial qualities as “The 7 Factors Of Awakening”, with the culmination in that list of “equanimity”, an exquisitely balanced mind. In the below interview excerpt Vipassana meditation teacher Sayadaw Vivekananda speaks about how “mindfulness cultivates equanimity”.

Ven. Sayadaw Vivekananda