The Blueprint Of Development

Miles Kessler Sensei - "Shu-Ha-Ri Dialogues"

Growth and development often follow the trajectory of your personal life stories. Stories that are life lessons which profoundly shaped who you are. My own path of “Shu-Ha-Ri” (3 Stages Of Mastery In Traditional Martial Arts) mirrors my personal story as a dual practice lineage holder in Aikido and Buddhist meditation. A life trajectory that shaped how I see “Shu-Ha-Ri” as a universal map of development. In fact, it is the blueprint of development.

Shu-Ha-Ri Dialogues

“Shu-Ha-Ri” As A Blueprint Of Development

In this 5th session of the “Shu-Ha-Ri Dialogues” series, I speak about how I came to understand “Shu-Ha-Ri”, my own experience within my practice traditions, and how I see “Shu-Ha-Ri” as a universal principle.

In the last part of the session, I was joined by Ellis Amdur Sensei, Toby Threadgill Sensei, and Paul Manogue Sensei in a discussion of the universality of Shu-Ha-Ri… and we didn’t always agree!

Check out the replay below:

Question: How is “Shu-Ha-Ri” related to your own personal development? Join the conversation by adding a question or comment below!

“SHU-HA-RI” Visual Chart Reference Guide

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