In your personal development, are you more of a “personal work through therapy” type, or “personal work through meditation” type? More often than not, when I work with people they fall into one of these two types… and it is often unconscious. This leads to a lot of confusion about the nature of personal development work which is problematic. And the fact is that both the therapeutic AND the meditative approaches are necessary for an integrated development.

To help clarify this confusion I am sharing 2 short videos from my “Buddhist Psychology For Mindfulness Meditators” workshop.
Video 1 of 2:
Meditation Never Gets To Your Projections (2 min)
In the first of these 2 videos how the practice of mindfulness meditation does not get to splits in your psyche and the resultant “disowned aspects of yourself”. I specifically speak about how meditation doesn’t allow me to see projections, and can even make the projections stronger.
Video 2 of 2:
On Having An Integrated Approach (4.40 min)
In this second video from my “Buddhist Psychology For Mindfulness Meditators” workshop, I speak about the need to have an integrated practice that includes both therapeutic and meditative approaches.
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