Meeting Others Where They’re At

Integral Podcasters Interviews Miles Kessler

I was recently interviewed by  Layman Pascal from the “Integral Podcasters.” I don’t often go into full “Integral Geekiness” on this blog but in my conversation with fellow integralist Layman, I allowed myself to be out loud and proud in our wide-ranging discussion. Our dialogue returned again and again to a core integral communication skill for meeting others where they are, but not leaving them there.

Layman Pascal Interviews Miles Kessler Of The Integral Dojo

Aikido & The Spiritual Path

Iwama Dialogues w/ Miles Kessler & Bjorn Saw

Nothing makes life more meaningful than committing to something greater than yourself. Making such a commitment will lead you to discover your greater potential, and what is more meaningful than that?  These days my most immediate commitments are to family and career. But for decades now I have been engaged in 2 longterm practice commitments that brought profound meaning to my life. These are none other than Aikido & The Spiritual Path.

Miles Kessler & Bjorn Saw

“Resonate” – Ginny Whitelaw Roshi

Zen And The Way Of Making A Difference

On July 12th, 2020 the Integral Dojo held a Community Call with Ginny Whitelaw. Ginny is a Zen Roshi, Aikido Sensei, a former NASA Biophysicist, and an author. In this post, I’m publishing the replay of this community call where Ginny Roshi lead a mini-workshop on the title of her soon to be released book “Resonate – Zen And The Way Of Making A Difference .”

Ginny Whitelaw Roshi

Spiritual Resiliency

The Edge Of The Comfort Zone And Beyond

If there is anything we’ve learned in these challenging times, it’s that resiliency is not a given. It must be earned. Facing life’s challenging experiences will develop resiliency… if you face them with courage, patience, and a little faith. However, if you want to grow your capacity for resiliency then there is no substitute for a developmental practice. Any practice that is committed, long-term, and keeps you at the edge of your comfort zone will gradually develop your physical, psychological, emotional, and yes, even spiritual resiliency. 

Inner Resilience During A Pandemic

Miles Kessler On The Embodiment Podcast

It is no understatement to say that we have all been tested during this current Coronavirus and COVID-19 crisis. It is in times like this that you get to see both the depth and limitation, of your own inner resilience. Recently, I was invited to once again join my old friend Mark Walsh on The Embodiment Podcast to explore the question: what does it mean to have inner resilience during a pandemic?

Miles Kessler On The Embodiment Podcast

Meditation Coaching For Coaches

With "Wellbeing" Expert Celynn Morin

Last fall I offered free meditation coaching sessions to a limited number of people in my audience.  Those who participated were a varied group of meditators that ranged from novice to experienced that included therapists and leadership trainers, martial artists and dancers, people who follow traditional meditation schools, and people who had an eclectic collection of meditation methods. In the following coaching demo, I work with Celynn Morin who is herself, a wellbeing coach.

10 Meditation Posts For Tapping Your Spiritual Resource

Meditation For Uncertain Times

A fact that becomes immediately clear for everyone in this Coronavirus and COVID-19 pandemic is that our resources are not as stable as we thought. From good health, to work and income, to face masks, to toilet paper and hand sanitizer, and everything in between. And even though we do everything we can to be smart, safe, and secure in these times, we realize that it is all really beyond our control. This is why meditation has always been called your very own spiritual resource. Because it is always there to support you no matter what is going on the world around you. I went through my archives and picked out 10 posts on meditation and spirituality that I think are helpful resources to everyone through these uncertain times. With Love.

Your Meditation Resource For Uncertain Times w/ Miles Kessler

Meditation In A Time Of Crisis

Global Sangha Community Call

With the whole world in lock-down and keeping social distance from each other, it is extremely supportive to get together to practice meditation. Last Sunday, March 29th, 2020 I gathered with our global meditation sangha for a 60 min workshop on how meditation can be an essential resource for you during these challenging times. In this community call we explored how Meditation supports you not only in ordinary times, but especially during the current Coronavirus and COVID-19 crisis. The session was aptly called “meditation in a time of crisis.”

Community Call w/ Miles Kessler

10 Blog Posts For Coping, Resourcing, and Recharging During A Crisis

Your Aikido Resource

Over the past 4 years, I have written close to 100 blog posts at the intersectionality of Aikido, meditation, and personal development. In one way, or another, all of my blog posts explore the same essential question: What does it mean to walk a higher path of practice? A question that is very relevant in these uncertain times. I went through my archives and picked out 10 posts that I think will support you through these uncertain times. With Love.

Big Mind / Big Heart In A Time Of Crisis

Global Meditation w/ Miles Kessler

Things change fast. With the current global Coronavirus and Covid-19 crisis comes worries, stress, and fears. But within all of this uncertainty, one thing is clear… we are all in this together. While it is a challenge to face this Coronavirus pandemic, it also gives us an opportunity to come together at this critical time. And it allows us to come together in the right way. Join Miles Kessler and the Integral Dojo’s meditation sangha in the replay below for a special global meditation gathering on “Big Mind / Big Heart In A Time Of Crisis.”