Getting The Other’s World Through Aikido

Facebook Live Replay w/ Miles Kessler

How good are you at taking the perspective of others in the middle of a conflict? Is it even something you consider important? After all, isn’t it basic human nature to protect your own point of view (not to mention your own body)? How does your basic survival instinct stack up with the higher intention of Aikido? Is Aikido’s central principle of “awase” (blending with another) still important to you when the chips are down and the conflict is on? What does “Getting The Other’s World Through Aikido” actually mean? Do you even care?

Getting The Other's World Through Aikido

Meditation As The Fundamental Practice

Dharma Bite w/ Diane Musho Hamilton & Miles Kessler

What is the most fundamental practice for you? What single practice informs all other practices that you do? In the below “Darma Bite” I continue in my series of Dharma Discussions with Integral Facilitator & Zen Sensei Diane Musho Hamilton on this very topic. In this excerpt from one of our longer discussions, we explore how we see “Meditation As The Fundamental Practice.”

Meditation As The Fundamental Practice

“Dharma & The Evolution Of Conflict” | 5-Day Retreat w/ Diane Musho Hamilton & Miles Kessler in beautiful southern Utah

Date: July 11, 2018—July 15, 2018
Event: Dharma & The Evolution Of Conflict | 5-Day Retreat w/ Diane Musho Hamilton & Miles Kessler
Topic: Dharma & The Evolution Of Conflict
Sponsor: Two Arrows Zen
Venue: Boulder Mt. Zendo
Location: Torry, Utah
Public: Public
Registration: Click here to register.

3 FREE Community Calls w/ Diane Musho Hamilton & Miles Kessler

Join 3 FREE Community Calls w/ the gifted Integral Facilitator and Zen Sensei Diane Musho Hamilton & Integral Dojo founder Miles Kessler on “Dharma & The Evolution Of Conflict.”

Diane Musho Hamilton & Miles Kessler Community Call

Diane & Miles in Dharma Discussion

Come together with your global Sangha as Diane & Miles guide you into the spiritual source of the Dharma as a basis for exploring the evolution of conflict. These free community calls will be a combination of talks, experiential breakouts, and Q&A sessions.


1st  Call: Tuesday, April 3rd – “Dharma As Your Nature”
2nd Call: Tuesday, May 1st – “Our Evolutionary Potential” 
3rd Call: Tuesday, June 5th – “The Path Of Embracing Conflict”

Start times for all calls: 11:00 am PDT, 2:00 pm EDT, 19:00 BST, and 20:00 CEST (each call will be 60 min. with an additional 30 min. for small group discussions). 

Community Call Registration:


Check out this short excerpt of Diane & Miles talking about the power of “Relating As One Living System”

Embodying Conflict Resolution

Dharma Bite w/ Diane Musho Hamilton & Miles Kessler

What does it mean to “embody conflict resolution”? In the below “Darma Bite” I continue the series of Dharma Discussions with Integral Facilitator & Zen Sensei Diane Musho Hamilton. In this excerpt from our discussion, we talk about conflict resolution in the field of mediation as compared to Aikido, and how they are in essence the same thing. I’m sure you’ll enjoy this short excerpt on “Embodying Conflict Resolution”.

Embodying Conflict Resolution

Aikido & The Practice Of Delayed Gratification

Facebook Live Replay w/ Miles Kessler

I recently did a Facebook Live broadcast as part of my teaching series on “Aikido & The Evolution Of Response”. This facebook live segment was a supplement teaching to my previous blog post on “Aikido & The Survival Instinct.” In that video, I mentioned several practices for working with, overcoming, and integrating your basic fight, flight, freeze instinct. In this 2nd video in the series I lay out one of the key fulcrum practices at this stage – none other than “Aikido & The Practice Of Delayed Gratification.”

Aikido & The Practice Of Delayed Gratification