On Feb. 26th, 2019 Diane Musho Hamilton and I had a call with Ken Wilber for a talk about the “Dharma & The Evolution Of Conflict” tele-summit. What ensued was a detailed overview of the nature of conflict as experienced from the perspectives of spiritual states, developmental stages, and our disowned shadow. In “Integral speak” these are none other than the “3 Practice S’s” of states, stages, and shadow. Essential practices in the areas of Dharma, Evolution, & Conflict.

It was such a rich talk that I asked Ken if it would be ok to share the recording of our talk with the community and he graciously agreed to let me post it on the Integral Dojo Blog for all of you.
So here it is, the perfect warm-up for our upcoming “Dharma & The Evolution Of Conflict” tele-summit. Enjoy!
QUESTIONS: What questions around “Dharma & The Evolution Of Conflict” do you want to be answered by the 30 plus teachers? Write then below and I’ll try to bring them into the tele-summit!
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.