This video is a recorded Dharma Talk by meditation teacher Miles Kessler. In this talk, Miles speaks about the 5 controlling faculties, as well as how the practice of mindfulness helps the mind detach from limited identification with the self.
In this Dharma Bite meditation teacher Miles Kessler answers a question about “How can one visualize oneself?” in meditation. This excerpt is from a talk that was given at SeeTrue Mindfulness center in Maastricht, Holland on June 15th, 2014.
What is your relationship to conflict? Is it something you prefer to avoid? Or do you like to lean into a good fight? Recently, Diane Musho Hamilton and I held our 3rd Community Call in our “Dharma & The Evolution Of Conflict” 3-part series. In this call, together with the global sangha, Diane & I dove into this very topic as we explored “Embracing Conflict As Path.”
What does it mean to create mastery in Aikido? Does mastery mean you are an untouchable fighting machine who’s better faster and stronger than everyone else? Or you are able to resolve any conflict that you meet in life, or that you have the demeanor of a Zen master? Let’s take a look at these questions through the lens of the traditional Japanese system of Shu-Ha-Ri: 3 Stages Of Mastery In Aikido.
Welcome to meditation Monday! Modern science has proven that mindfulness and meditation bring countless benefits to your life. These include greater emotional & psychological well-being, physical health, mental performance, and even greater functionality in relationships. But way back in the beginning, when the Buddha first taught meditation in the Satipatthana Sutta, he laid out 7 benefits of meditation. In the text and video below the Ven. Sayadaw Vivekananda shares The Classic Benefits Of Mindfulness.
Here at the beginning of 2019, I am starting a new blog series called “Meditation Monday.” Each Monday I will be posting “Dharma Bites”… short bite-sized teachings, from myself and other teachers. These posts will be short teachings about mindfulness and meditation that you can easily to implement into your daily practice. I am starting this new endeavor with a video series from my own meditation teacher, the Ven. Sayadaw Vivekananda. Here is his teaching on What On Mindfulness?
The early Buddhist term for a teacher is a “Kalyanamitta” – which means a “Noble Friend.” I love this phrase because it reframes the role of the teacher and student, and how this holy relationship impacts your life. In this blog post, I will share with you the advice the Buddha gave in his teaching on the 5 qualities of a “Nobel Friend.” As Aikido is a higher path of practice, I think that these guidelines are especially relevant to Aikido teachers. This is the Buddha’s advice to an Aikido Sensei.
Aikido is a paradoxical art. Fully grasping Aikido requires you to develop a relatively complex understanding of its technical curriculum, while at the same time having direct access to the universal principles that are the spiritual core of the art. Another way to look at it is, to fully master the art of Aikido you need to “learn Aikido like a pro, create Aikido as an artist.”
5-Day Mindfulness Meditation Retreat w/ Miles Kessler
Date: | November 26, 2019—December 1, 2019 |
Event: | Maastricht, Nederlands - 5-Day Mindfulness Meditation Retreat |
Sponsor: | See True Mindfulness |
Venue: | Monastery of the Sisters Under the Arches |
Location: | Maastricht, Netherlands Netherlands |