The Embodiment Podcast

My good friend Mark Walsh of “Embodied Facilitator” has launched a new podcast called “The Embodiment Podcast.” Mark is a teacher and leading voice in the embodiment movement and he has been rocking it on youtube where his instructional videos on embodiment have gotten over a bizillion views. So I was happy to hear that he was moving into the podcasting space with his long overdue launching of “The Embodiment Podcast.” It was my total pleasure to be invited to be a guest one of Mark’s first episodes where dove into the challenging topic of “Returning To The Marketplace.” 

“5 Aspects Of Development”

ALE Masterclass Introduction Session

Ever wonder if you are developing in your practice? How do you know? With all of the ups and downs, wrong turns, pitfalls, backslides, and seemingly endless plateaus, development can be quite a messy affair. It will not always be clear to you if you are developing, or not. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a blueprint for development? A checklist of aspects that if you could cover them all, then you could rest assured that development is happening. As it turns out such a blueprint exists. It is called “The 5 Aspects Of Development” and when you cover all of these aspects to a satisfactory level, development just happens.

Insight Meditation: The Practice of Freedom

A pioneer of Buddhist meditation and mindfulness practice in the west, it is not an understatement to say that Joseph Goldstein has catalyzed several generations of meditators in the west. “Insight Meditation: The Practice Of Freedom” is one of Joseph’s early books that covers topics as basic as why and how we practice, the Buddhist teachings of “Non-Self” and “Karma, the Psychology of the Dharma, and the ultimate practice of how we bring our awakening into to the world. I wholeheartedly recommend “Insight Meditation: A Practice Of Freedom” to anyone who has a serious calling to awaken.

The Experience of Insight: A Simple and Direct Guide to Buddhist Meditation

Though having only met him briefly, I feel that I have spent many a sitting hours with Joseph Goldstein through the wisdom he shares in his books. A companion early on my path his books have guided me through my “kick-start” years with daily practice and his inspiration took me further into the depths of meditation on intensive vipassana retreats. His inspiration encouraged me on the “path lass traveled” and has indeed, made all the difference.