I have recently been conducting a series of “Dharma Discussions” with several of my friends who are meditation teachers. These discussions are exclusively for our current “Meditation For Aikido” course participants. However, these discussions are so good that I’ve decided to take some “bite-sized” excerpts and share them with my blog readers. I’m calling them “Dharma Bites” and here is the first many more to come. Here is an excerpt from a Dharma discussion I had on “The Wisdom Of Awareness, Tolerance & Allowing.”

“The Wisdom Of Awareness, Tolerance & Allowing.”
In this first “Dharma Bite” I’m talking with meditation teacher Stephen Fulder. Stephen tells a nice little story about “dependent origination.” When we practice mindfulness, it gives us the ability to increasingly see into the cause of our suffering. It is this very seeing that will ultimately transform suffering into wisdom.
For more on Stephen and his Dharma work and many teachings please go to: www.stephenfulder.com
Question: In what ways does awareness and mindfulness practice help you transform your life’s challenges into wisdom? Please write your comments below!
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.