A fact that becomes immediately clear for everyone in this Coronavirus and COVID-19 pandemic is that our resources are not as stable as we thought. From good health, to work and income, to face masks, to toilet paper and hand sanitizer, and everything in between. And even though we do everything we can to be smart, safe, and secure in these times, we realize that it is all really beyond our control. This is why meditation has always been called your very own spiritual resource. Because it is always there to support you no matter what is going on the world around you. I went through my archives and picked out 10 posts on meditation and spirituality that I think are helpful resources to everyone through these uncertain times. With Love.

- Meditation In A Time Of Crisis – This is a recent community call replay with our global sangha where we explored how Meditation supports you not only in ordinary times, but especially during the current Coronavirus and COVID-19 crisis. This workshop includes simple to apply practices for accessing your spiritual resource in uncertain times.
- Big Mind Big Heart In A Time Of Crisis – This post is from a community call replay with our global sangha doing the Big Mind process as a way to integrate the complex feelings we all have during the coronavirus crisis, and to access our deeper, inherent spiritual resource.
- Advanced and Basic Meditation Demo – In this post, you will find 2 “meditation coaching demos” I did, one with an advanced meditator, and the other with a beginner meditator. These two coaching demos are a good way to see how to work with guidance in the incredibly subtle realm of meditation.
- A Window Into The Absolute – This is a short clip from a Non-Dual teaching of the Sufi mystic Rumi. The perfect plunge into the Absolute!
- Unfueling Karma – This is an excerpt from a Dharma talk I gave at SeeTrue Mindfulness in The Netherlands a few years back on how the practice of Mindfulness is the one practice that actually unwinds your karma.
- Mindfulness Sinks – In this short “Dharma Bite” I describe the basic characteristic of Mindfulness according to Buddhist Psychology. Namely, the characteristic of “non-superficiality.” In other words, Mindfulness “sinks.”
- Mindfulness Deepens – This is from a Facebook Live replay, where I unpack the meaning of Mindfulness and share some practical tips on how the very nature of mindfulness is to deepen.
- Movement & Stillness – In this Facebook Live replay, I teach specifically how to embody of meditation. This teaching includes a short guided meditation which I a sure you will enjoy.
- 3 Shifts In Awakening – This is a Dharma talk I gave at SeeTrue Mindfulness in The Netherlands about the 3 shifts necessary for vertical human development. Namely, Waking Up, Growing Up, and Showing Up.
- Learning From The Tengu – In this blog post I write about the mystical teachings of the Tengu on the Path of Mastery that comes right out of ancient Japanese mythology.
P.S. Please feel free to share all the above resources with your friends and family who may need, or appreciate it them this time.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.