Aikido & Teaching Series

Aikido is a paradoxical art. Fully grasping Aikido requires you to develop a relatively complex understanding of its technical curriculum, while at the same time having direct access to the universal principles that are the spiritual core of the art. Another way to look at it is, to fully master the art of Aikido you need to “learn Aikido like a pro, create Aikido as an artist.”  

The Union Of Meditation & Aikido

Dharma Bite w/ Dr. Ginny Whitelaw & Miles Kessler

Do you meditate or practice mindfulness? Do you also have a physical practice, like Aikido, yoga, dance, bodywork, sports, or art? Now here’s the big question… do your meditation practice and your physical practice come together for you? Or, like most people, are these two parallel paths for you? Two paths completely related, but not completely coming together. In this blog post, my special guest and I take a look at the Union Of Meditation & Aikido.”

The Union Of Meditation & Aikido

Mindfulness, Attachment, & Inner Peace

Dharma Bite w/ Stephen Fulder & Miles Kessler

How attached are you to things in your life? How much “inner peace” do you have in your life? Have you ever considered that there is a correlation between attachment and inner peace? It is an eternal fact that the more attachment you have, the less inner peace you will find. And conversely, the less attachment you have, the more inner peace. In this post, fellow meditation teacher Stephen Fuder and I look at the relationship between “Mindfulness, Attachment, & Inner Peace.”

Getting To The Essence Of Aikido | A Community Call

Thorsten Schoo, Patrick Cassidy, & Miles Kessler

“What is Aikido?” Now there’s a question that should make you think. How can you answer this question in a completely authentic way, that is not based on something that you heard or read about? Is it possible to hold this question in a way that will help you in getting to the essence of Aikido?

Thorsten Schoo, Patrick Cassidy, & Miles Kessler

Mindfulness Deepens

Facebook Live Replay w/ Miles Kessler

How deep are you? Are you a deep thinker? Do you enjoy deep conversation with others? Are you able to feel deeply into yourself… and into the world around you? Or, do you prefer to stay superficial, like a cork bobbing up and down on the surface of the water? In this blog post I am exploring what it means to be deep… and the fundamental practice where “Mindfulness Deepens.”

Dharma Bite w/ Miles Kessler

Mindfulness Between Stimulus & Response

Facebook Live replay w/ Miles Kessler

The late Austrian psychotherapist and  Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl famously said “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Not only is this brilliant quote profoundly true, but it is also a very powerful description of how mindfulness actually works. I invite you to join me in the below Facebook Live replay as I unpack the profound meaning of the “Mindfulness Between Stimulus & Response”. 

Facebook Live Replay w/ Miles Kessler

Movement & Stillness

Teaching & Guided Meditation w/ Miles Kessler

How often do you stop in life? Just stop. In the middle of the relentless rush of your daily life. To intentionally take a moment, a minute, an hour, a day… to stop acting and doing, and to just be in the stillness surrounded by the flow of things. And how often do you engage the movement of life as a flow? To effortlessly, selflessly, and elegantly align with the very movement that is the essence of living. Join me in this Facebook Live replay for a deeper look into the meaning of Movement & Stillness.

Meditation Embodied w/ Miles Kessler