Meditation In A Time Of Crisis - Oct. 30th - Nov. 3rd, 2023

Meditation In A Time Of Crisis – As the world spirals into yet another all too frequent crisis, we are once again confronted with the truth of our basic human fragility. At times like these, when confronted with our human vulnerability it is not uncommon to be overcome by insecurity, anxiety, and fear. Now more than ever, it’s important to rely on your Dharma practice as a refuge. Not as a practice of liberation that gives you refuge FROM the world, but rather as one that gives you refuge IN the world.

Wicked Problem Conversation: Israel/Palestine… WTF!

Making Sense In An Increasingly Polarized World

The above video is a panel discussion with Diane Musho Hamilton, Vince Fakhoury Horn, Miles Kessler, Theo Horesh, & Tomer Duwik about the Wicked Problem that is the Israel/Palestine conflict. Together, our panelists explored the questions of how to make sense in an increasingly polarized world.

Wicked Problem Conversations
Israel / Palestine… WTF?

A Panel Discussion and Community Call with Diane Musho Hamilton, Vince Fakhoury Horn, Miles Kessler, Theo Horesh, &  Tomer Duwik

Making Sensei In An Increasingly Polarized World

Date: October 17, 2023
Time: 10:00-11:00 p.m.
Event: Wicked Problem Conversations - Israel / Palestine... WTF?
Topic: A Panel Discussion and community Call
Sponsor: The Integral Dojo
Public: Public

Meditation Alone Will Never Resolve Your Issues

2 Videos On An Integration Of Practices

In your personal development, are you more of a “personal work through therapy” type, or “personal work through meditation” type? More often than not, when I work with people they fall into one of these two types… and it is often unconscious. This leads to a lot of confusion about the nature of personal development work which is problematic. And the fact is that both the therapeutic AND the meditative approaches are necessary for an integrated development.